If you messed up on the first command, which vsim will report there is no vsim in your path. bashrc so you don't have to type them each time.)

If you are familiar with the Unix shell environment, you can figure out how to properly add the above to your. Consequently, any attempt to refresh or recompile a 6.3 library with an older release will. This format is not backwards compatible with previous releases (say, 6.2). Format 3 is the library format used by ModelSim version 6.3. UVM can be used with ModelSim 10.1d as long as the following coding style adjustments are followed: When creating a uvmsequence, put the following in the constructor: donotrandomize 1b1 class mysequence extends uvmsequence (mytransaction) function new() // MUST BE SET when using ModelSim donotrandomize 1b1 endfunction. (The above should work regardless of how your environment is initially set up. This may happen when you have created a library using ModelSim 6.3, and then use a ModelSim 6.2 to access the library.
LM_LICENSE_FILE tells ModelSim where to find its license file. (PATH tells your shell where to find the executables for ModelSim.)Įxport LM_LICENSE_FILE=/afs/ece/support/mgc/share/image/usr/local/mgc/license.dat:$LM_LICENSE_FILE This should complete your installation of ModelSim. This will ensure that the preprocessor ags in Const.v are properly dened for simula-tion. Add the line +define+MODELSIM to vlog.opt. Create the le C:Modeltechversionvlog.opt. If you are running a different shell, I assume you know enough to adapt the instructions to your favorite shell.)Įxport PATH=/afs//support/mgc/mgc.release/modelsim-se_2020.1/modeltech/linux_x86_64:$PATH Add the line OptionFile C:Modeltechversionvlog.opt under the vlog header. If you are not running bash, you can type bash into the command prompt to start a bash shell. (You can determine which shell you are using by typing echo $SHELL into your Unix command prompt. y argument to vlog specifies the Verilog source library. Solution: The steps for compiling the libraries are as follows: In total, 4 library files from the Libero Installation folder must be compiled including the 1 macro cell library (Smartfusion.v) and 3 package files which are needed for VHDL simulation.
This assumes you are running bash on an ECE Linux machine. Several ModelSim commands have arguments that point to files or directories.